Wanna Switch? – Lesson 1 – Projects & User Settings
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Wanna Switch? – Lesson 1 – Projects & User Settings

If you aren’t happy with the direction that Apple has decided to go, and want to switch NLE’s, this in-depth look at Avid’s Media Composer is for you. Looking at FCP7 and Media Composer side by side, in lesson one, we start by looking at the differences between how projects are handled, and how to…

Avid Media Composer Quick Tip 4: Too Many Bins
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Avid Media Composer Quick Tip 4: Too Many Bins

http://library.creativecow.net/mcauliffe_kevin/Quick-Tip-Avid-bins Ever have the problem of opening a project, just to realize that hundreds of bins have been left open, and it takes forever for a project to open? Well, you’ll never have that problem again with this great quick tip for AVID Media Composer.

Avid Media Composer Quick Tip 3 – Assigning Menu Commands
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Avid Media Composer Quick Tip 3 – Assigning Menu Commands

http://library.creativecow.net/mcauliffe_kevin/Quick-Tip-Avid-Assigning-menu-… In many cases, having to stop editing to find something in a drop down menu can be time consuming, and can break your work flow. In this Avid Media Composer Quick Tip, see how to quickly assign menu commands to buttons to help speed up your overall workflow.

Avid Media Composer Quick Tip 2 – Importing Image Sequences
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Avid Media Composer Quick Tip 2 – Importing Image Sequences

http://library.creativecow.net/mcauliffe_kevin/Quick-Tip-Avid-Importing-Seque… Importing clips into Avid’s Media Composer might seem straight forward, but what if a client has sent you a Targa sequence? Don’t over think the import process, as importing Targa sequences is just as easy as regular clips.

AVID Media Composer Quick Tip – Creating the Rocky effect
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AVID Media Composer Quick Tip – Creating the Rocky effect

http://library.creativecow.net/mcauliffe_kevin/Quick-Tip-Avid-Rocky-Effect People immediately dismiss doing effects in Avid Media Composer, as they think that a compositing application can do a better job. Well, as you will see in this Quick Tip, Media Composer can create some very complex animations very quick, very easy, and in some cases, just as good as After Effects.

Media Composer® 6 and Avid Symphony™ 6 – Basic Edits
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Media Composer® 6 and Avid Symphony™ 6 – Basic Edits

While Media Composer and Symphony have a vast set of features, our free Getting Started training tutorials on Avid.com will cover the tools that matter to your everyday editing. We’ll explore topics like basic editing, trimming, using the Smart Tool, adding dissolves, loading AMA media, and mo re.

Product Designer Series: Avid® Marketplace
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Product Designer Series: Avid® Marketplace

Browse for footage, plug-ins, and other necessities right from within your Media Composer window—no shoes, shirt, or pants required. See how fast and convenient it is to browse stock footage, download comps, make purchases, and relink footage from Thought Equity Motion—in context with your project—in this walkthrough video of the Avid Marketplace.

Product Designer Series: Media Composer® and Artist Color

Product Designer Series: Media Composer® and Artist Color

Correcting color can have you seeing red—literally—when working with a keyboard and mouse alone. With Artist Color, you get the precision and hands-on control you need to fix and enhance color to perfection. And you can keep your eyes on the picture instead of monitoring the interface. Get an in-depth walkthrough of the surface in…

What’s new with Media Composer 6 (2 hours!)
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What’s new with Media Composer 6 (2 hours!)

Corey Tedrow, Product Specialist at Avid, reviews what’s new with Media Composer 6, a fast and versatile solution for professional video editing with a 64-bit app for better performance and speed, Open I/O to facilitate 3rd party hardware, easy integration into any ProRes workflow, the ability to instantly access, screen and edit AVCHD clips and…

Media Composer® 6 – Understanding 3D Terminology
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Media Composer® 6 – Understanding 3D Terminology

With Stereoscopic filmmaking comes an entirely new set of creative techniques, rules and editing practices. Media Composer 6 includes a powerful, integrated stereoscopic workflow. In our free tutorial videos on Avid.com you’ll see how to take advantage of it. But, before we move on to specifics, there a few terms its important to understand. Become…