
Tag: title tool

Media Composer

My Favorite White Flash (Free Bin Download)

Download this link to get an Avid Bin with a sound effect and a title and a sequence to use over any cut. Note this will only work if you have the old Title Tool = Not on macOS Catalina or newer Learn AVID faster so you have time to drink more beer!

Media Composer

How to Insert Video in Text in Avid Media Composer

Don’t have Boris or After Effects? Or do you just want a cool render-free title effect? If so, this tutorial will show you how to put video in your text using the Title Tool in Avid Media Composer. Software used: Media Composer 8.5.3

Media Composer

EVF Tutorial – Title Tool Shortcuts in Avid Media Composer

This tutorial is on a few useful shortcuts in Avid Media Composer’s Title Tool. We’ll cover how to center an object horizontally and vertically, creating a shape, how to change an object’s stacking order and how to add a soft drop shadow. Go to the Edit Video Faster Website to become a faster and better

Media Composer

Get Started Fast with Avid Media Composer 7: Lesson 3

In the third of our “Get Started Fast with Avid Media Composer 7” tutorials, it’s time to start editing. In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe demonstrates basic editing technique in Avid Media Composer. He reveals how to perform a music mix fast, and how to trim footage in your timeline like a pro. Kevin completes

Media Composer

Learn Media Composer Lesson 77: The 24 Commercial Bumper In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe shows you another real-world example of how to create “Hollywood-Style” effects right from within your timeline, by creating the “24” commercial break bumper. With some very simple title work, and a little forward thinking with the 3D Warp Tool, you can create this awesome effect without having to

Media Composer

Learn Media Composer Lesson 76: Motion Tracking In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe shows you the basics of tracking a background plate, and applying that information to a title you create in your timeline. Then he shows you, with the power of the fantastic Animatte effect, how to create a realistic effect of a car driving in front of a title.

Media Composer

Learn Media Composer Lesson 75: Creating a Video Viewfinder In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe answers a viewer’s question about creating a video viewfinder effect. There are different plug-in packages that you can purchase that have this effect, but why spend your hard earned money, when the effect is something that is easily buildable inside of Media Composer or Symphony.

Media Composer

Learn Media Composer Lesson 73: Creating a Countdown In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe answers a viewers e-mail about creating a countdown inside of Media Composer and Symphony. Most people would think a plug-in is required, but with a little forethought, this is something that can be created in no time flat!

Media Composer

Learn Media Composer Lesson 71: Creating a Sports Scorecard In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe answers a viewer’s question about creating a tennis scoreboard, like you would see in a professional tennis broadcast. Most people immediately think they need Photoshop or a compositing application to create this element, but the easiest way to build is with the tools you have right at your

Media Composer

Learn Media Composer Lesson 53: Animation Techniques: Lists In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe shows you how to create a simple list, and animate it in your timeline. Most people get tripped up with which is the better way to do this technique, but Kevin shows your why you might want to consider the 3D tool, as it is simple to use,

Media Composer

Learn Media Composer Lesson 21: Avid Title Tool Part THREE In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe concludes his look at the Avid Title Tool by going over text gradients and transparencies, as well as creating simple title Rolls and Crawls. Once you’ve finished this tutorial, you will have seen over 40 minutes of in-depth training on the Avid Title Tool.