
Tag: Title Studio

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – What’s new in Title Studio 2019

In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe talks about the newest updates to Boris Continuum Complete 2019’s Title Studio. This first, in a multi-part tutorial series, will focus in on BCC’s excellent title application. This effect has improved by leaps and bounds since it’s inception, and if you’re a Media Composer editor who does most of

Media Composer

Using Continuum Title Studio in Avid Media Composer

Continuum Title Studio is a next-generation 3D Titling and Animation tool that comes as a plug-in for Avid Media Composer with Continuum suite. With Title Studio, it’s easy to create 2D/3D vector titling and motion graphics (including C4D and OBJ 3D model import) directly inside the host of your choice. Built on a powerful and