
Tag: project management

Media Composer

10 Fixes For when Avid isn’t working

Hey Guys! Thank-you so much for watching!! You can treat this video as an FAQ of common support tips for Avid Media Composer. These are the most common fixes to various problems I could find and they have got my Avid back up and running in no time on countless occasions so I really hope

Media Composer

Avid Media Composer – Getting Started – Create and Organize Projects

Benjamin Patch walks you through the process of creating and organizing a project in Avid Media Composer – the most professional video editing application available today. This is an introductory video so if you have never used Media Composer before, you have found a great place to start learning this incredible software.

Media Composer

Assistant Editing for Reality Television Part 1 – 2019 (4 hours 52 min)

This is a very good video going through most you need to know about Assistant Editing for Reality Television Video is almost 5 hours long, and exceptionally good. 0:10:47 Editorial Teams0:11:35 Responsibilities0:14:18 The Process0:16:38 The Post Wokflow0:20:27 The Fundamentals of Video0:20:59 Resolution0:26:32 Interlacing0:40:26 Timecode0:41:53 Codec0:48:57 Bitrate0:50:37 Video Container1:07:22 Creating and Organizing an Avid Project1:16:42 Avid

Media Composer

Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Start right, Finish right!

In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe talks about Projects, and the most important thing to keep in mind when creating them. Whether it’s your first, or five hundredth, many people don’t think things through properly when setting up their projects, and they think “Well, we’ll deal with that later! Big mistake! You can run into

Media Composer

EVF Tutorial – Rename Project in Avid Media Composer

This tutorial teaches you how to change the name of a project in Avid Media Composer. In this quick lesson we’ll create a project, find the project files on your hard drive then rename the project. BTW, I publish a weekly newsletter called the Video Editor’s Digest. In it you’ll get awesome tips, tricks, resources