
Tag: motion

Media Composer

Media Composer – Motion Tracking Tool Tips

In this video I go over some tips you can use when you are using the Tracking Tool in Avid Media Composer. We cover, how to change the color of your trackers. How to add a new tracker after you have already tracked. How to track only the trackers you want. How to zoom in

Media Composer

Learn Media Composer Lesson 88: Creating Video Walls Part 4 In his final look at creating video walls, Kevin P McAuliffe talks to Mac users out there, specifically ones who have switched from Final Cut Studio to Media Composer, and shows them how to create the same video wall effect using the new MC7 and Apple’s Motion 5.

Media Composer

Learn Media Composer Lesson 31: Motion Graphics for Motion 5 In this lesson, Kevin P McAuliffe answers a viewer’s question about rendering an element with a matte key out of Apple’s Motion 5, for use inside of Avid’s Media Composer/Symphony. This lesson is not only great for Motion users, but it gives all VFX artists a look at the proper render and import process

Motion Graphics

Introducing: Avid Motion Graphics™ 2012

In today’s highly-competitive, image-dominated media industry, media producers need to create stunning visual imagery that cuts through the clutter, streamline their workflows to reduce costs, and build strong brand recognition. Avid Motion Graphics™ helps you do just that. This on-air graphics platform offers advanced design tools, powerful production capabilities, and sophisticated workflow integration, built on