
Tag: LUT

Media Composer

Media Composer® 7 ‒ Hi-Res Workflows Featuring FrameFlex™ ‒ Avid

Acquire high-resolution media and deliver in HD—with full creative control of reframing. More content today is shot with high-res cameras, but the majority of programming is still HD. With the new FrameFlex tools, you can immediately start working in HD directly from high-res sources and maintain full creative control of the image reframing and keyframing,

Avid Technology

Introducing Media Composer 7

Media Composer has long been the most trusted tool of professional editors. Media Composer 7 opens your possibilities even further, simplifying and accelerating file-based workflows and extending real-time production everywhere so you can focus on telling the best story possible. From new high-res workflows and AMA media management, to automated media operations and global collaboration,