
Tag: Jeffery Lomicka

Media Composer

Waveform Sync and Create Group from Sequence in new MC 2018.12

This 8-minute video shows an example of how to use the new features of Waveform Sync in the timeline, and the new Create Group From Sequence. In this video, I show how I can use these features to sync up footage from five consumer-grade cameras covering a Christmas concert to an audio track separately mixed

Media Composer

NewTek NDI in Media Composer

A brief overview video of the NewTek NDI broadcast feature that was added to Media Composer in 18.7. It’s just about three and a half minutes, and shows where to get some free NDI tools, and how to turn it on an off, so you can begin to experiment with this new capability.

Media Composer

Dynamic Shuttle feature added in Media Composer 8.9.3

My team and I worked on a couple of features in 8.9.3, “dynamic shuttle”, which is a J/K/L replacement, and “pitch correction during shuttle”. This video describes both in some detail.(Sorry about the length, it’s almost ten minutes and wanders off for a while showing how “dynamic shuttle” can be used to improve the behavior

Media Composer

Media Composer 8.9 Audio Sample Slip and New Narrow Mixer

I put together a short 6-minute video for y’all that demonstrates some of the more obscure features of audio Sample Slip source effect, and the new narrower audio mixer tool. This covers, among other things:• Option-arrow keys for positioning the source editor• Direct timecode entry in the source editor• Working with sample slip in the