
Let’s Edit with Media Composer – Lesson 23 – Motion Effects Part 1

As always, don’t forget to like, Subscribe and share this video across your social channels. One thing that I like to do with these tutorials is to talk about topics that people who are either learning Media Composer for the first time, or are jumping in from another NLE, want to know right away and, in this case, that’s motion effects. Whether it’s Slow Motion or Time Lapse, it’s not readily apparent how to create these seemingly simple effects inside of Media Composer. Media Composer is not really a “right click and find what you need” type of application. In this first of a three part tutorial arc, we’re going to create some basic motion effects in our timeline, and from there (in the next few lessons), we’ll talk about keyframing, and then creating more complicated time ramp effects. Enjoy!

2:28 – Not exactly right click and go!
3:39 – Sequence side vs Source side
5:37 – Source Side Motion Effects Editor
10:49 – A basic motion “effect”
13:51 – Sequence side Motion Effects Editor “comes alive”
15:00 – The “Strobe” effect

Download the Cinestudy footage to work with here –

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